Writer and Artistic photographer. Born 1939 in Haslach/Upper Austria. He has lived in Vienna since 1960, where he studied drama, German and philosophy.
Author of 62 published books, mostly poetry volumes and photo-poetry-books, amongst them „Abschiede“ (Partings), „Farbenlehre“ (Lesson in Colour), „Bildersprache“ (Language of Pictures), „Lebenszeichen“ (Signs of Life), but also a number of books with prose collections and stories. Latest publications show a new kind of his work: The Art Books “Schachteltexte I, II + III” (Carton Texts) and “Wortschutt” (Verbal Debris) are autographs on different unfold boxes, their photographs and transcriptions as well as “Wörterwelten” (Words Worlds), autographs on styrofoam plates. In addition to writing poetry he publishes essays and articles on cultural themes. Social criticism is the dominant characteristic of his work. His books and texts have been translated into more than 20 languages.
As a photographer Wiplinger creates picture cycles on different themes – such as „Architecture in the rural and urban area“, „Jewish cemeteries in Austria“, „Monuments of Viennese cemeteries“, portraits of cities and landscapes as well as portraits of people, especially of his writer colleagues whom he meets at international meetings. Free and experimental photography – as for example the series „Plastic“, „Remains“, „Metamorphosis – Pictures of transience“ and „Reflections“ – shows another field of his works, which are also in the possession of public and private collections.
About 100 exhibitions and more than 350 readings in Austria and (mostly bilingual) in many European countries and cities, in Israel
and Turkey.
Numerous scholarships, prizes and awards for his artistic achievements in the field of literature and photography as well as his inter-cultural activities. Member of the International and the Austrian P.E.N.-Club (1980-2010, honorary member of the P.E.N.-Club Austria since 2013), the IG Autorinnen Autoren – Community of Interests of all Austrian Writers and Writer’s Organisations, the Austrian League of Human Rights as well as the Documentation Centre of the Austrian Resistance (member of the board).